Thursday, May 31, 2012


"Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real." - Necessary Roughness


Fear can only hold regret. - Me circa 2006


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tiny Hands

An Old Tree

Whose heart still beats...

Surprise! Fresh Start...

Hey! Friends, Family, Random Strangers!
So I reverted all the old stuff that was on here to draft form, so I still have it all...


I wanted to start fresh again—only good drama involved. ;) I'm going to start posting things that happen in my life, and things that I make happen that are mostly positive and happy!

I'll be showing you artistic things such as pictures that I've taken, some movies, and things that I've made like clothing, jewelry and many other types of original artwork.

In short, I'm excited to have a lot of fun this year!